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twinstabook.com free and independent social network join for free now

twinstabook.com the free speech social network communitywe are twinstabook.com your new social network for all your family and friends

twinstabook community the social media solution for everyone to be in contact with family and friends and to get independent information.

We are twinstabook.com, your new social network for family and friends. At twinstabook, we believe that the future of online publishing should be decentralized and open. We believe that social network users should be able to live their social media experience on their own needs and conditions and not be forced to inform themselves or write texts, information, To publish pictures and videos that represent your own opinion. Another and normal option should be to be able to connect with friends and family on social networks without the fear that the data will simply be used for unauthorized purposes.

The twinsterbook social community is a new version of one of the most popular applications on the internet, social networking. The twinsterbook code base is open source. It is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL3).

As a result, you as a user have the choice of how you want to use twinsterbook.com: You can either create a profile on twinsterbook.com and publish information and photos or videos yourself, or if you like what we do on twinstabook.com or if you like If you simply want to use it as a free source of information, you can simply read along as a registered user and get information without taking any action yourself. Based on your own experience, you can upload texts, photos and videos to your own account, which you control and manage yourself and whose content you are also responsible for. We want to share our opinions and ideas freely and without censorship, but in a quality that does not offend or discriminate against anyone. So you can communicate with millions of users, with your profile, on our own servers, with the whole world, including users on twinstabook and your family.

twinstabook.com strives to become the home of free speech online. We work full time on the social network 100% of the time without being paid to be independent. We encourage you to join us at twinstabook.com and start your own twinstabook social account. Because you are in control of the web, without censorship, for people to regain it.

Thank you for every support of the team with small voluntary donations, which should be adapted to your possibilities. Because we are and want to remain independent and that is our top priority.